In order for Flywire to process your refund in Japanese Yen (JPY), we require you to provide a proof that shows the following information:
1. Bank transfers
Please provide ONE of the following:
- Screenshot of your net banking transaction
- Bank book
- Bank statement showing both your bank account information and payment information all on the same page
Please note that a payment proof must be a valid document provided to you from your bank.
In the case that you choose to submit your bank book as proof, we require a video file showing the account details on the bank book as well as the page indicating that the payment was deducted from the bank account. You may hide any other details that are irrelevant to the payment.
2. Cash deposit
Please provide all three documents:
- Deposit slip
- A bank statement showing where the cash was withdrawn from
- A valid ID of the bank account holder from which the cash was withdrawn (passport, driver’s license, etc.)
Due to compliance with Flywire’s Anti-Money Laundering Policy, refunds can only be sent back to the originating account of the payer.