Yes, you can use Flywire to pay an education institution with the borrowed funds. If you have taken out a loan to pay your fees, you can pay via “Domestic Bank Transfer in Indian Rupees (INR)" option.
Please enter the loan borrower’s details under the “Payer Information” section, including the PAN number of the loan borrower. You can use the co-borrower’s details as well.
After creating your payment request, you will be able to download your payment instructions containing an authorization letter and our bank details. Present this document to your bank, which will clarify that Flywire is acting as the official authorized international payment processor, and the final recipient of your payment is your institution.
**To ensure that your payment is processed smoothly without delay, please ask your bank to send the funds under the name of the PAN card holder that you have entered on the payment ID. If the details do not match, our team will have to reach out to you for more information and documents which can delay your payment delivery.