To complete your bank transfer in Mexican Peso (MXN), please reference the account details provided in your payment instructions to initiate a domestic bank transfer.
Flywire does not have an RFC (Clave en el Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) since we do not operate as a local entity in Mexico. However, we do have a non-resident local bank account with an 18-digit CLABE number. In order to complete your payment, you can visit your local bank branch to initiate a domestic bank transfer or you can log in to your online banking platform to initiate a SPEI (Sistema de Pagos Electrónicos Interbancarios) payment using the account details provided in your payment instructions.
In order to ensure your payment is processed as quickly as possible, we recommend that you upload your proof of payment via your tracking link page. However, this step is not necessary.
Please note, cash deposits and checks/cheques are not accepted. Also note, this account can ONLY accept MXN, and NO other currencies should be sent (as this may be subject to additional FX fees).