Please note, we are not able to accept Best Price Guarantee requests for particular institutions due to internal processing procedures. We suggest reaching out to our team before you apply for the Best Price Guarantee program.
If you choose to apply, please follow the steps below:
- Create an account with Flywire. You'll need to become a user if you wish to apply for our Best Price Guarantee program
- Create a payment request and be sure to select the "Bank Transfer in KRW" payment option. Please check with our support team to see if your institution is eligible for this program
- Get a rates proof from your bank within two hours of creating your payment request. The proof must include the time, date and payer’s name or prove that you are logged in to your bank's website. Additionally, include all fees and the total amount of the payment
- Submit your request via our chatbot with your payment ID and bank rates proof document
Click here for more information on our “Best Price Guarantee” program.