Payment options depend on the particular institution you are making a payment to. Flywire is able to offer the following payment methods:
1. Online Bank Transfer & Debit/Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, and Verve) in Nigerian Naira (NGN)
- Domestic payment made in Nigerian Naira (NGN)
- Flywire's partner converts the funds into the destination currency using the parallel rate
- Takes 3-5 business days to hit the university account
- More expensive exchange rate than Form A but can be used for urgent or lower value payments
2. International Bank Transfer in major currencies via Form A
- For use in the Form A process for educational payments in which the payer accesses the destination currency directly from their bank or the Central Bank of Nigeria
- Form A can take up to 4 months but it is best to speak directly to your bank for an accurate timeline
- Also available if the payer has access to currency through friends/family or by using the parallel rate themselves
- More information on Form A can be found here
3. Debit/Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard) in major currencies
- For payers with cards denominated in an international currency (e.g., USD)
- Currency can be obtained through sources such as:
- Friends/family
- Savings in a foreign currency
- Directly accessing the parallel rate
- Important: International transactions are prohibited on a Naira card - when using a card denominated in Naira to complete your payment, please select the domestic card option