To complete your Form A application, you will need to obtain Flywire’s bank details. If you haven’t created a payment request yet, please refer to the article How can I access Flywire’s account details in order to fill out the Form A?
Once you have been issued a unique set of payment instructions with Flywire’s account details, you can begin the Form A application process. Follow the steps below to complete your application:
1. Once you have accessed the Nigerian government’s Trade Monitoring System, click “Applicant”
2. Register as an Individual (entering your BVN)
- If it says your BVN is invalid, please check your email linked to the BVN
3. Click “Trade Services” and choose the trade category (for example: Education Fees or Personal Travel Allowance)
4. Click valid for Forex (yes)
5. Enter the beneficiary information found in your payment instructions (see How can I access Flywire’s account details in order to fill out the Form A?)
- Note that the form asks for an IBAN. IBANs are mostly used for payments made to countries within Europe. For the GBP payments, please use the sort code/account number. For USD or CAD payments, please use the account and routing number
6. Enter the destination currency. Choose from CAD, EUR, JPY, NGN, GBP, SAR, CHF, USD or CNY as per the location of your institution/invoice
7. Choose the payment mode between Telex or SWIFT (Flywire can handle both but SWIFT is preferable)
8. Enter the payer account details
- Note that you may enter your own details, those of a parent, sponsor or so on
Evidence to attach
1. Passport
2. Tax Clearance Certificate
3. Offer letter
4. If going for a Masters or PHD, attach your transcript and diploma
5. Flywire payment instructions and Authorization letter
- Under “what are you attaching”, describe as “beneficiary bank details and invoice”
6. Authorization letter
- Your institution may have provided a specific authorization letter naming Flywire as the payment partner. Please attach this if so.
- Under “what are you attaching”, describe as “beneficiary bank details and invoice” and “confirmation from the institution that payments are to be made to Flywire, the international payment partner of the institution”
Additional information
Common information required from Flywire to complete the forms, which may also be found in the payment instructions of your current payment request, includes:
- Flywire’s email address:
- Flywire’s address: 141 Tremont Street, 10th Floor, Boston, MA 02111 USA
- Flywire’s telephone number: Select the most appropriate number here
Important note
Due to recent market restrictions, there is a significant lack of liquidity and increased demand for FX in Nigeria. As such, the Form A application may take longer than expected to be approved or processed. We encourage everyone who needs to submit this form in order to complete their payment to prepare in advance for your payment due date. This will ensure that there will be sufficient time should there be a delay or reattempts required.